Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Poles are Open

The Poles are Open
It's happening from all around the country are now open and are ready for the voters. But we won't know who the next president is till tomorrow. Even so kids that are Virginia are trying to help their candidates. One kid who is helping Barack Obama drives and walks around his town to certain people trying to get them to vote for Obama. He says that he has gotten the door slammed in his face quite as few times. Even though there are many people that have been polite to him and have changed their vote from McCain to Obama. The person from Virginia that helps support McCain has also had similar things happen to him.
He says that it has been a little easier for him though since Virginia has been a red state since the beginning. He also says that he has convirted many Obama voters to the McCain side. Both sides however say that their work is fun but it does get hard sometimes.Even if one of them lose they say that they'll pick themselves up and dust themselves off.
By Joseph Gastine

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